Did you know?
With five years of service credit with CalSTRS or CalPERS, you’re eligible for a guaranteed lifetime retirement benefit!
Classified Employees

Classified Employees hired after 2013 (PEPRA):
Employee contribution: 8%
Employer contribution: 25.47%
Classified Employees hired prior to 2013 (Classic):
Employee contribution: 7%
Employer contribution: 25.47%
Certificated Employees
Certificated employees hired after 2013 (PEPRA):
Employee contribution: 10.205%
Employer contribution: 19.1%
Certificated employees hired prior to 2013 (Classic):
Employee contribution: 10.25%
Employer contribution: 19.1%
All Employees
403 (b) Salary Reduction Agreement
457 CalSTRS Salary Reduction Agreement
Contribution Limits